Architectural Wood Casework


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Architectural Wood Casework

Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs specification template to specify Architectural Wood Casework,  including base and wall cabinets, full-height cabinets, and plastic laminate countertops.

Casework Unveiled

Architectural wood casework, a hallmark of interior design, redefines spaces with its fusion of form and function. It encompasses the meticulous crafting and installation of wooden wonders: cabinets, shelves, storage units, and countertops. These bespoke fixtures seamlessly meld into the very fabric of a building’s interior, adding both utility and elegance.

Architectural wood casework is the marriage of aesthetics and practicality, tailored to the architectural style and unique needs of the space. It’s not just about storage; it’s about sculpting spaces into showcases of craftsmanship.

The Versatility of Wood Casework

Wood casework knows no bounds and thrives in diverse environments:

  • Homes: Infuse warmth and functionality into residences with custom wooden wonders.
  • Offices: Elevate office interiors with tailor-made cabinets and shelving solutions.
  • Schools: Create organized and inspiring learning spaces with custom storage units.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Enhance healthcare settings with meticulously crafted wooden fixtures that combine functionality with a soothing ambiance.
  • Retail Stores: Showcase your merchandise with elegance using wooden display units.

Spec Notes:

  • Our specifications are rooted in the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Quality Standards, setting the gold standard for wood casework excellence.
  • Custom wood casework offers limitless possibilities, including base and wall cabinets, full-height cabinets, and plastic laminate countertops. Each piece is handcrafted with precision, tailored to your project’s unique requirements.
  • For standard wood casework, choose from a selection of nationwide fabrications, featuring non-customized, standard-sized units.
  • Premium Grade casework raises the bar even higher, adhering to exacting standards.
  • Select from transparent or opaque finishes for your casework, with options for shop or field finishing. Explore the possibilities of cladding with plastic laminate, while metal and other laminates open doors to further customization.

This section utilizes the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Quality Standards as a basis. Other organizations’ standards including the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC) are not included since they are more regional in coverage but can be added to this section.

For expert guidance on selecting and specifying wood casework, refer to the Architectural Woodwork Standards by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI), available at


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architectural wood casework



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