Construction Product Requirements


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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Unlimited Projects
01 60 00
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Use this 3-part SimpleSpecs™ section to specify general construction product requirements applicable to all products specified in Divisions 02 through 50.

General Product Requirements:

This section specifies statements for general requirements applicable to all products. The statements specified in this section govern all other sections, so they do not need to be repeated in each section in Divisions 02 through 50.

Product Options:

– The terms used in this article coordinate throughout the SimpleSpecs™ Master Specifications system. They provide multiple ways in which to specify products and make the process of reviewing substitutions easier.

– Note that the terms “or equal” and “or approved equal” are not used.

“Or equal” does not require that the Design Professional review the alternate product that the Contractor or Construction Manager wishes to use.

“Or approved equal” does imply a requirement for review, but it can still be problematic. While simple products make have exact equals, a more complex product like a light fixture may be a patented product for which there is no equal.

– The terms used in this section should be used uniformly throughout all sections.  This will ensure that readers understand the product options available to them in each section.

Related SimpleSpecs™ master specifications:

01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

01 40 00 – Quality Requirements

Industry Resources
4 specs