Roof Pavers


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
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07 76 00
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify precast concrete roof pavers and adjustable paver pedestals.

Other types of roof pavers, including modular wood, porcelain, metal, and others can be added to this section.

What is it?

A roof paver is a paving stone or tile designed to be used on flat roof surfaces. They are made of a durable material such as concrete or clay and are used to create a flat, stable surface on a rooftop. They can be used to create outdoor living spaces, green roofs, or to provide additional insulation and waterproofing for a roof.

Pedestals, on the other hand, are supports used to elevate roof pavers or other decking materials above the roof surface. They are important because they allow for proper drainage and ventilation of the roofing system. The use of pedestals also provides an insulation barrier between the roofing membrane and the pavers which can help to protect the roofing system from thermal movement and damage. Pedestals also allow for easy access to the roofing membrane for maintenance and repairs.

Additionally, pedestals can also help to level and support the pavers, which can be important when working with uneven or sloped roof surfaces. This helps to ensure that the pavers are stable and level, which can help to prevent cracking or shifting.

Overall, pedestals play a crucial role in ensuring proper installation and stability of roof pavers, and in protecting and maintaining the overall integrity of the roofing system.

Weather considerations

Roof paver and pedestal systems are best suited for mild to moderate weather conditions. They are typically designed to withstand the normal wear and tear of typical weather patterns, including rain, snow, and sunlight. However, extreme weather conditions such as heavy snowfall, strong winds, and severe storms can stress the system and cause damage or failure.

The best weather conditions would be mild temperatures and low winds during the installation process and throughout the system’s life. These conditions will ensure that the pavers and pedestals are properly installed and withstand normal weather conditions.

It’s important to note that the roofing system should be designed and installed to withstand the specific weather conditions of the location. For example, if the building is located in an area with high winds or heavy snowfall, additional measures may be necessary to ensure that the roof paver and pedestal system can withstand these conditions.

During maintenance, it’s important to check the roofing system periodically.  Look for any damage or wear, particularly after severe weather events. This will help to ensure that the system is in good working order and can continue to protect the building and provide a stable surface for the pavers.

Related SimpleSpecs™ Sections:

07 76 00 – Roof Pavers

Industry Resources
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