Temporary Facilities and Controls (Design/Build)


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8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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01 50 00.02
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Temporary Facilities and Controls (Design/Build)

Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs specification templates to specify general requirements for construction facilities, temporary controls, temporary utilities, field offices, and other temporary work required of the Subcontractor.

Construction Facilities and Utilities:

  • The Design/Builder is ultimately responsible for temporary facilities and utilities, but the Design Professional should include minimum requirements that must be met.


  • As a general rue the Design/Builder pays the cost of these facilities and utilities, however, In the case of an existing facility that will be partially occupied by the Owner during construction, providing separate metering of utilities to determine how much is used by each party could prove difficult and adds unnecessary costs, since the Owner ultimately pays the costs anyway.

Temporary Controls

  • These provisions are minimums only. Local laws and ordinances may require substantially different controls, particularly as pertains to erosion, sedimentation, and air pollution. Since these more restrictive requirements are typically law, they do not need to be included here, as the Subcontractor is required by the Conditions of the Contract to comply with all applicable laws.


  • As a general rule, specific requirements for how to construct, install and operate temporary controls is left to the Design/Builder. For example, temporary fencing may be specified as simple chain link if privacy and aesthetics are not of concern, or painted wood where they are. The specifics of how to construct the fencing is not included.


Visit Design-Build Institute of America to learn more about design builder projects.


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01 50 00.01 Temporary Facilities and Controls

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