Product Management Made

Spec writing software made simple

From Initial Design To Final Specifications: We Empower your Team to Master Product Management Every Step of the Way.

Free Your Inbox

Say goodbye to cluttered inboxes and endless email threads - manage team communication efficiently.

Stay Synchronized

Stay synchronized: One workflow for the whole team ensures no discussion is lost or forgotten


Instantly share and invite collaborators in just a few clicks.

A Workspace for faster product management awaits 🚀

Design Team Ready

Made for construction projects with a proven workflow.

Endless Products

Upload and track endless products right to the point of specifications.

Your product inbox

Funnel the daily clutter of email exchanges into meaningful discussion.

File Formats

Store all your files, images and videos to simplify discussions.

Instant Alerts

You'll always stay on task, using real time one click notifications.


On everything from drawing clarifications to technical specifications requests.


Fast and easy access for your entire team in just a few clicks.

Core Feature Screen Shots

A quick glance of the action.


More Questions? Contact Us

Why is this faster than a smart sheet?

Product lists are pre-designed to discuss construction products, and file uploads.

Why is this faster than email?

It's a powerful tool to manage collaboration through a controlled workflow.

How many products can I discuss?

There is no limit on product discussions.

What file formats are supported?

MS Word, pdf, png, jpeg, excel, and Mp4 video.

Can I download a transcript of discussions?

Yes! Download all discussions into a pdf file.

Is there a trial?

Yes! Purchase a PRO user seat and invite your entire team for one month. Cancel at any time.

Can a single Pro user run an office?

Yes! Pro users create a project and share permissions with a Starter user.

How large of a file can I upload?

40 MB per file is the maximum file size.

How large of a team can I invite?

No restrictions on team size.

Can I restrict permissions of some users?

Yes! Invite some as editors and others to view only.