Structural Steel Framing


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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Unlimited Projects
05 12 00
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Use this section to specify hot-formed structural steel framing, typically shapes, plates, bars, tubes, and pipes.

This section should be edited by or under the supervision of the project’s structural consultant.

Framing may be concealed or exposed. Exposed framing typically conforms to “architecturally exposed steel” standards that include tighter tolerances, better welding, and other requirements that are not included in this section but can be added.

Framing that is exposed to weather should be galvanized or protected by a high-performance coating system to minimize rusting and should contain weep holes to allow entrapped moisture to escape.

To learn more about steel, visit Wikipedia.

Related Sections:

05 12 13 –  Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel

Cold-formed steel framing such as light gage steel studs and joists are specified in Section 05 40 00 –Cold-Formed Metal Framing.

Industry Resources
4 specs