Wood Paneling


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
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Wood Paneling

Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs specification template to specify custom interior wood paneling.

This section utilizes the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Quality Standards as a basis. Other organizations’ standards including the Woodwork Institute of California (WIC) are not included since they are more regional in coverage but can be added to this section.

Premium Grade paneling must meet higher standards than Custom Grade.

Wood paneling is typically shop fabricated for installation at the project site. Paneling may be flush or stile-and-rail (paneled), and either shop or field finished with transparent (stain) or opaque (paint) finishes.

Close grain refers to a wood with closely spaced wood graining, which increases the wood’s hardness.

Most building codes allow for the use of non-fire retardant treated veneer less than 1/32 inch thick if applied over a noncombustible or fire-retardant treated substrate.

Veneer matching refers to the manner in which the sliced veneer is assembled into panels and from panel-to-panel.

For assistance in selecting and specifying wood paneling refer to the Architectural Woodwork Standards by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI), available at www.awinet.org.


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architectural wood casework


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