Wood Shingles


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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07 31 29
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify wood shingles and shake roof shingles and underlayment.

The term shingles refers to machine-cut wood shingles that are slightly thinner and more uniform. Shakes refers to hand-cut shingles that are slightly thicker and have a rougher texture.

Shingles are commonly available in Cedar, less so in Pine, Cypress, and other wood species. Cedar shingles have proven to be both weather-resistant and cost-effective.

Shingles are also used on vertical surfaces such as gable ends.

Some manufacturers offer shingles that are prefabricated into sheets for simplified installation. Shingles are also available with a fire-retardant treatment, although the effectiveness of this treatment decreases with time and weather exposure.

Underlayment requirements vary depending on roof slope, from a single layer of roofing felt to rubberized asphalt and synthetic. Similarly, valley construction varies depending on slope.

For information regarding selection and detailing of wood shingles refer to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Roofing Manual: Steep-Slope Roof Systems, available from NRCA at www.nrca.net.

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