Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Assemblies


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
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08 45 23
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Use this easy to edit 3 part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify aluminum glazed vertical or sloped glazing systems with insulated, translucent infill panels, commonly referred to as Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Assemblies.

Fiberglass-sandwich panel assemblies utilize aluminum framing and infill panels composed of two translucent fiberglass sheets.

Fiberglass-sandwich panel assemblies can be used in vertical or sloped glazing applications.

The fiberglass sheets are available in multiple colors, opacities, thermal resistance, and light transmission properties.

Finishes for exterior aluminum must provide resistance to weathering and ultraviolet degradation. Class II anodizing and lower quality painted coatings may not suitable for exterior use.

Aluminum Components comply with the following:

Related SimpleSpecs™ master specification:

07 92 00 – Joint Sealers

Industry Resources
4 specs