Blindside Waterproofing


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Blindside Waterproofing

Use this free downloadable 3-Part specification to specify PreTak blindside waterproofing by EPRO Services, Inc.

What is it?

It is a technique used in building construction.  To prevent water penetration from the outside by installing a waterproof membrane on the exterior foundation walls before backfilling. This method is called “blind side” because the waterproofing is done on the side of the foundation that is not visible after construction is complete.

It helps prevent water intrusion and moisture damage to the building foundation and its structure, which can cause serious problems such as mold, rot, and corrosion. It is particularly important in areas with high water tables or where the soil is prone to saturation or flooding.

What is the alternative method?

The alternative to blindside waterproofing is positive-side waterproofing, which involves applying a membrane to the interior side of the foundation wall, typically on the positive or dry side. Positive-side waterproofing is also referred to as “negative-side” waterproofing because it addresses the “negative” pressure created by groundwater or hydrostatic pressure.

The main difference between blind-side and positive-side waterproofing is the location of the waterproofing membrane. Blindside waterproofing is applied to the exterior side of the foundation wall, while positive-side waterproofing is applied to the interior side. Positive side waterproofing can be used when access to the exterior side of the foundation is not possible, or when there is a need to maintain a particular aesthetic on the exterior side of the building.

Another difference between blind-side and positive-side waterproofing is the risk of damage to the waterproofing system during backfilling. Blindside can be more susceptible to damage during the backfill process, while positive-side waterproofing is protected from the backfill material. However, the installation of positive side waterproofing can be more challenging because it requires access to the interior side of the foundation, and may require additional excavation to create a proper drainage system.

Ultimately, the choice between blindside and positive side waterproofing depends on the specific conditions of the site and the needs of the building owner or developer. A waterproofing expert can help determine which approach is best for your project.

Self-adhering membranes

Using a self-adhered, pre-applied waterproofing membrane allows for fast and easy installation on concrete or masonry substrates.  These membranes can help you save time and reduce labor costs.

This is where a product like PreTak comes in.  It offers excellent waterproofing performance, even in harsh conditions. With high puncture and UV light resistance, which means it can provide long-lasting protection for your building.

Its pre-applied adhesive allows for a faster and more efficient installation, which can translate into cost savings for your project.  It is also extensively tested and certified to meet industry standards. This means you can have peace of mind that you are using a high-quality and reliable product.


Contact Us

To learn more about PreTak and all of EPRO Services, Inc.’s blindside waterproofing options, contact them by calling 800-882-1896 or visiting their website at

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