Smoke Vents


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07 72 36
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs™ specification template to specify roof smoke vents, either galvanized steel or aluminum, single or double leaf. Vents may be acoustically rated or non-rated, with solid or translucent covers.

Smoke vents are an important component of any building’s fire safety system. They are designed to release smoke and heat from the building in the event of a fire.  Allowing occupants to safely evacuate and firefighters to access the building. There are different types of smoke vents available, including galvanized steel and aluminum vents, as well as single and double leaf options.

Types of Vents

Galvanized Steel: Are a popular choice for many commercial buildings. They are made from a durable material that can withstand extreme temperatures.  Making them ideal for use in fire safety systems. Galvanized steel is highly resistant to corrosion, ensuring a long lifespan and low maintenance costs.

Aluminum: Are another popular option for commercial buildings. They are lightweight and easy to install.  Making them a great choice for buildings with weight restrictions. Aluminum smoke vents are also highly resistant to corrosion and require very little maintenance. They are not as durable as galvanized steel and may not be suitable for buildings in areas with harsh weather conditions.

Single Leaf: Release smoke and heat from a single opening in the roof. They are ideal for smaller buildings or areas with limited roof space. Single leaf smoke vents are available in both galvanized steel and aluminum, making them a versatile choice for any building.

Double Leaf: Release smoke and heat from two openings in the roof. They are ideal for larger buildings or areas with a larger roof space. Double leaf are available in both galvanized steel and aluminum, and customized to fit the specific needs of the building.

Related SimpleSpecs™ master specification

07 72 23 – Roof Vents

07 72 33 – Roof Hatches

Industry Resources
4 specs