Quality Requirements (Design/Build)


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01 40 00-DB
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify Quality Requirements (Design/Build) applicable to the Work as a whole.


References standards are utilized through the Project Manual to establish the minimum level of quality required for materials, installation, or both. Reference standards are developed by a third party and incorporated into the construction contract by reference. These standards are non-proprietary and allow the Design Professional to more easily specify materials or procedures than including a full description. For example, a specification on concrete could describe how to manufacture Portland cement, or could simply require that it meet ASTM C150, Type 1.

References should be included in sections in Divisions 02 through 50 by issuing entity and number or title only, e.g. “ASTM C150.” A listing of abbreviations and acronyms used in SimpleSpecs™ sections is included in Section 01 42 13.

Listing a standard by number and title is insufficient; the specification must state how that standard applies. For example, “Sand: Meet ASTM C144.”

The use of references that are not commonly available is discouraged for obvious reasons.

Mockups: Mockups, sometimes referred to as “field samples”, are constructed to illustrate how a particular material or assembly will look and function. They are project-specific, constructed on-site, for review by the Owner and Design/Builder. Mockups can be incorporated into the final work or removed at the end of the project. Requirements for size, content, location, and whether or not the mockup can remain must be included in applicable sections.

Testing Laboratory Services:

A third-party testing and inspection firm may be employed to ensure that the construction meets the specified requirements. Their duties can range from taking and testing samples of materials to visual inspection of construction.

Either the Owner or Design/Builder can employ and pay the costs for the laboratory. If the Owner employs it, there may be less concern that the laboratory can be swayed by the Design/Builder since they are paying the invoices.

Specific test methods and frequencies must be included in applicable specification sections in Divisions 02 through 50.

Related SimpleSpecs™ master specification:

01 40 00 – Quality Requirements

Industry Resources
4 specs