Ornamental Metal Restoration


Specification Details

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05 03 70
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Historic Renovation Specs

Use this Ornamental Metal Restoration section to specify the repair and replacement of ferrous and non-ferrous ornamental metals.  Primarily as decorative assemblies, railings, gratings, and similar components.

The section includes the most commonly encountered metals; wrought and cast iron, steel bar, copper, bronze, and brass. Aluminum castings, while not historically accurate, are included since they are sometimes used as a replacement for iron both to reduce weight and to minimize future deterioration. Other metal types can be added by the specifier.

For additional information on this subject, refer to Preservation Brief No. 27 – The Maintenance and Repair of Architectural Cast Iron by the National Park Service, www.nps.gov.

Related Specification:

05 70 00 – Decorative Metal

Industry Resources
4 specs