Water Repellents (ZD)


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Water Repellents

Use this 3 part specification template to specify clear water repellants for use on concrete and masonry surfaces.

What Are Water Repellents?

Water repellents are specially formulated products designed to significantly reduce water absorption, mitigate deicing salt damage, and prevent freeze/thaw damage on concrete and masonry surfaces. Available in both clear and colored varieties, and in multiple strengths, they cater to diverse project conditions and aesthetic preferences.

These penetrating solutions are more than just surface coatings; they infiltrate the pores of concrete and masonry to provide robust protection. When correctly applied, water repellents form a hydrophobic layer, repelling water and thereby reducing the likelihood of damage from moisture penetration.

Understanding Durability and Maintenance

Despite their effectiveness, water repellents are not permanent solutions. They tend to degrade over time, particularly when exposed to harsh environmental conditions, including ultraviolet rays. This degradation necessitates regular reapplication to maintain their protective properties.

The Critical Need for Breathability

A crucial aspect of selecting the right water repellent is its breathability. Highly breathable water repellents allow trapped moisture to escape, thereby preventing several potential issues:

  • Preventing Spalling: Trapped moisture, especially in colder climates, can freeze and expand, leading to spalling – a condition where the surface layer of concrete or masonry chips or flakes off.
  • Avoiding Subflorescence: In contrast to efflorescence, where salts are deposited on the surface, subflorescence involves salts moving towards the surface but getting trapped beneath non-breathing coatings. This can create internal pressures, leading to severe spalling and structural damage.

Choosing the Right Product

Selecting the appropriate water repellent involves considering various factors such as the environmental conditions, the type of substrate, and the desired aesthetic outcome. Consulting with product manufacturers and experts can provide valuable insights into the most suitable products for specific projects.


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Water Repellents image for commercial masonry surfaces exteriors

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4 specs