07 32 00 Roof Tiles


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
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07 32 00
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpecs™ master specifications to specify clay or concrete roof tiles and underlayment.

This section includes clay and concrete roof tiles in various configurations and roofing underlayment. Both materials have a very long life expectancy.

Three grades of clay roofing tiles are available based on required frost resistance. Three types of clay and concrete tiles are available, with each type designating the tile’s profile. Verify available types with specific manufacturers.

These materials are extremely heavy and require significant structure to support them.  Before specifying, we recommend consulting with a professional engineer to determine framing and sheathing requirements.

Underlayment requirements vary depending on the roof slope, from a single layer of roofing felt to rubberized asphalt and synthetic. Similarly, valley construction varies depending on the slope of the roof.

For information regarding roof tile selection and details, refer to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Roofing Manual: Steep-Slope Roof Systems, available from NRCA at www.nrca.net.

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