Visual Display Boards (ZD)


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
Usage Limit
Unlimited Projects
10 11 00
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Use this 3-part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify visual display boards – fixed and sliding chalk, marker, and tack boards.

Markerboards, sometimes called whiteboards, typically consist of special porcelain enameled steel facings on a rigid core with steel or aluminum sheet backing. The three-ply balanced construction is necessary to prevent warping. Markerboards can be used as projection surfaces.

Chalkboards, sometimes called blackboards, are typically either baked enamel or porcelain enamel on steel sheets and are also of balanced three-ply construction.

Tack boards consist of natural cork or manufactured facing on a rigid core and can be faced with fabric or left unfaced.

Special graphics are available for marker and chalkboards for use in music rooms and similar locations.

Glass marker boards are also available and can be added to this section.

Related SimpleSpecs™ specifications:

06 61 16 – Solid Surfacing Fabrications

10 12 00 Display Cases

11 52 13 – Projection Screens

Industry Resources
4 specs