Execution and Closeout Requirements


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01 70 00
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Use this 3 part SimpleSpec™ master specification to specify execution and closeout requirements; general requirements related to the execution of the Work and closeout activities.

Cutting and Patching: Covers the general Work, such as penetrations of completed partitions needs to be accomplished.

Cleaning: Provisions for cleaning fall into two categories; during construction and final.

  • During construction, the Contractor or Construction Manager is responsible for the general cleanliness of the project.
  • Final cleaning requirements are more in-depth.  This will requires specific cleaning requirements in sections in Divisions 02 through 50.
  • Specifying a general requirement for products to be cleaned following the manufacturer’s instructions is acceptable.  The manufacturer is the most knowledgeable entity for cleaning their products.
Closeout Procedures and Submittals:
  • In addition to final cleaning, requirements for the final accounting, final payment, and submission of closeout submittals are necessary.
  • Closeout submittals include Project Record Documents, Operation and Maintenance Data, and Warranties.  Closeout submittals are received and filed by the Design Professional without review after the project completion.
  • Some Owners may require much more detailed closeout documents, including videotaped sessions for the operation and maintenance of mechanical systems that the Owner’s maintenance personnel can use.  In addition, the Owner may request documents in specific formats, such as on disc or memory stick, and the drawings in a usable format for future review.

Related SimpleSpecs™ master specifications:

01 70 00.02 – Execution and Closeout Requirements (design-build)

Industry Resources
4 specs