Hydraulic Passenger Elevators


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8.5" x 11"
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14 24 23
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Hydraulic Passenger Elevators

Use this easy to edit 3 part specification template to specify Hydraulic Passenger Elevators for passenger use. Freight elevators are not included but can be added to this section.

What are hydraulic Passenger Elevators?

Commercial hydraulic passenger elevators are a specific type of hydraulic elevator designed for transporting people in commercial buildings such as office complexes, hotels, shopping centers, and other public spaces.

Most aspects of elevator design, construction, and operation are governed by several ASME code documents that have been adopted by the ICC International Building Code:

  • ASME A17.1/CSA B44 – Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
  • ASME 2 – Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks
  • ASME 5/CSA B44.1 – Elevator and Escalator Electrical Equipment.
  • ASME 6 – Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems.

Due to the existence of these codes specifying what is a complex system is relatively easy.

Elevator cab size and capacity, operating speed, and control type should be determined based on the building’s use and occupancy. For example, a facility where the use of the elevator is limited to the movement of handicapped individuals may allow the installation of a slower, less expensive elevator than an elevator that can be used by anyone.

Hydraulic elevators can be of the holed or holeless type. Holed elevators require drilling a hole beneath the elevator for the hydraulic lift cylinder.  Which attaches to the bottom of the cab platform. In a holeless elevator, the lifting cylinder(s) are located in the hoistway adjacent to the cab and are attached to the cab via a structure on top of the cab. Holeless elevators require a larger hoistway but can be installed in existing buildings where access to the drilling equipment is limited and where the subsurface conditions could make drilling difficult.

Cab finishes may be selected from a manufacturer’s standard offerings or custom designed and fabricated.

Related SimpleSpecs specification template:

14 21 23 – Electric Passenger Elevators


Hydraulic Passenger Elevators image

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