Masonry Mortaring


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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Unlimited Projects
04 05 13
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Masonry Mortaring

Use this 3 part specification template  to specify masonry mortaring for use in masonry construction referenced in other masonry sections.

Mortar may be specified in one of two ways:

– Proportion method: The quantities of cement, sand, and lime are specified, typically expressed as a range, that will provide the required mortar attributes.

– Property method: Mortar is specified by the required compressive strength, with proportions left up to the mason.

In general, higher compressive strengths result in less flexible mortar. Flexibility is important in that it allows the masonry construction to move to some degree without damage. This does not preclude the use of properly located and sized control joints in the masonry.

In no case should the mortar be higher in compressive strength than the masonry units. Lower compressive strength mortar allows for the mortar to be damaged under movement; mortar is much more easily replaced than masonry units.

Color additives can be added to the mortar; pre-packaged mortar mixes are often available in multiple colors.

Other additives may be added to mortar to improve certain characteristics, such as decreasing water absorption and increasing the working time of the mortar.


To learn more about mortar joints, visit Wikipedia.


Related SimpleSpecs specification template:

04 05 16 – Masonry Grouting



Masonry Mortaring

Industry Resources
4 specs