Wood Decking


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8.5" x 11"
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Wood Decking

Use this 3-part specification template to specify exterior wood decking.

What is it?

Wood decking is a solid, natural material that has been used for hundreds of years. It can come in many different varieties, but it’s generally made from one of three types of wood: softwoods (like pine), hardwoods (like oak), or redwood.

They’re easy to install and maintain. They’re also eco-friendly because they don’t use any harmful chemicals during the production process.

Wood is very durable and can last a long time if they’re properly maintained. They’ll stand up to most weather conditions, including rain, sun, and especially snow.

Thermally modified wood is heated and treated with steam to improve its durability and stability. 

This makes it resistant to decay and rot and increases its lifespan. It also gives a unique finish with a range of colors, making it an ideal choice for decking. 

Additionally, thermally modified wood is low-maintenance and requires no additional chemical treatments.

Wood vs. Composite

Wood decking is made from real wood, whereas composite decking is made from plastic or wood fibers that are bonded together with resin. Wood decking will last longer than composite decking, but both options will last a long time if they’re installed correctly and maintained regularly.

Both options are resistant to moisture and can be used in wet areas like poolsides and patios; however, wood may need to be treated with a sealant periodically while composite doesn’t require any special treatment at all!

Related Industry Standards:

For assistance in selecting and specifying wood trim, refer to the Architectural Woodwork Standards by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI), available at www.awinet.org.

Related specification templates:

Industry Resources
4 specs