Tile Paving


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8.5" x 11"
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Use this 3-part SimpleSpecs™ master specification to specify thin-set exterior tile paving.

Thin-set exterior tile paving is a method of installing tiles on exterior surfaces such as patios, walkways, and balconies. It involves using a thin layer of mortar, known as a thin-set, to bond the tiles to the substrate.

The process begins by preparing the substrate, which may include cleaning the surface, filling any cracks or gaps, and ensuring that it is level and smooth. Next, a layer of thin-set mortar is applied to the substrate using a trowel. The tiles are then pressed into the thin-set, removing any excess thin-set. The tiles are then left to cure for the recommended time, usually 24 hours.

It’s a popular choice for exterior surfaces because it is durable and long-lasting. The thin-set mortar provides a strong bond between the tiles and the substrate, which helps prevent the tiles’ cracking or shifting over time. Also suitable for many tile types and sizes, making it a versatile option for different exterior design projects.

It’s important to choose the right type of tile for exterior paving as well, porcelain and granite are the most common types of tile used for exterior tile paving because they are durable and resistant to moisture, frost, and temperature changes.

For assistance in selecting and detailing tile, refer to the  Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation by the Tile Council of North America (TCNA), available at www.tileusa.com

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