Structure Demolition


Specification Details

8.5" x 11"
Word Docx
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Unlimited Projects
02 41 16
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Use this 3-part SimpleSpecs™ to specify complete building demolition; none of the existing construction is to remain.

This section specifies the complete demolition of one or more existing structures. Structure demolition is often included in a separate contract since there is little coordination required with new construction. A separate contract avoids the General Contractor’s or Construction Manager’s markup on the demolition work.

Drawings should designate not only the structures to be removed but also points at which utilities should be terminated.

Local laws will govern demolition procedures and transportation of debris, so this section does not specify such items as wetting of debris and covering debris trucks.

To learn more about structure demolition, visit Wikipedia.

Related SimpleSpecs™ specification:

For partial demolition, 02 41 19 –Selective Demolition

Industry Resources
4 specs